Doing our best to achieve our best
Our breakfast club is available daily to all pupils (excluding Nursery children) from 8.00am daily. It provides a safe, supervised environment including a nutritious breakfast and refreshments.
The current daily charges will apply:
8.00am to 8.30am (when children are ready to go to class) - £3.00 per child per day or £15.00 per week per child:
Breakfast club registration forms can be obtained from the school office and must be completed for all children attending the club,
Payments for club attendance can be paid via the ParentMail online payment system.
The aim of “The Haven” After School Club (ASC) is to provide quality recreational, educational and creative facilities for the children of Clarendon Primary School within a caring, stimulating and safe environment.
Overview of Provision:
The ASC is run directly by the school and is based on the school site. It runs during term time only from 3pm to 5.55pm, Monday to Thursday and aims to provide children with a friendly relaxed environment by supportive staff.
During each session, it is intended that children will have access to:
Please note: children are not permitted to bring in their own toys or games.
Whilst staff will encourage children to take part in a wide variety of activities and leisure pursuits, children will not be ‘forced’ to engage with any activity they do not wish to as this is against the purposeful leisure time ethos we aim to promote.
The ASC operates under the direct management of the school, with the Headteacher and the Governing Body having overall management responsibility.
Sessions booked half-termly on a regular basis are charged at £12 per session (rising to £13 per session from September 2023).
Sessions booked on an ad-hoc basis are charged at £13 per session (rising to £14 per sessions from September 2023).
Further information on how to book and the terms and conditions of the provision can be found under the ‘Enrolment’ section.
Once you have been informed that there are places available on the days you require you will need to complete the following forms:
These forms and further important information about “The Haven” ASC can be found below: