
Clarendon Primary School, Nursery and Children's Centre

Doing our best to achieve our best

Learning at Clarendon

Early Years' Education

Throughout their time in Nursery and Reception all learning experiences aim to develop the important characteristics of learning which are fundamental to children developing as lifelong learners. Our Nursery and Reception classes have their own purpose built environment that enables the children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills through exploration and play in both their indoor and outdoor learning classrooms.


The teaching and learning focuses on developing children’s engagement, motivation, creativity and critical thinking skills through a curriculum that develops the three prime areas of learning: communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development as well as the four specific areas of learning: literacy, maths, understanding of the world and expressive art and design.

Key Stages 1 and 2

As teaching and learning are the fundamental purposes of our school, we recognise that all members of the school community have an essential role to play in its success. Education is about the development of the whole person, now and in the future.


We seek to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum using the National Curriculum as a framework to help provide a clear progression of skills, knowledge an understanding.

Our curriculum provides stimulating opportunities to meet the needs and interest of all learners. Children with different languages, faiths and ethnic backgrounds all work together to always achieve the best they can.


At Clarendon, we aim to help children foster an interest and acquire the skills they need through exciting topic based and cross-curricular learning. However, some subjects such as Mathematics and Phonics are also taught discretely. Throughout their time at Clarendon, children will develop essential ICT skills as we recognise that these are vital when growing up in an increasingly technological society.


Religious Education is taught to all children through a clear structure through the exploration of Christianity and other faiths, placing great importance on developing children’s tolerance and understanding of others.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development is central to all learning and we actively promote this through the curriculum so that our children develop the skills they need to succeed in life.

In Key Stage 2, children are also introduced to French in a fun and interactive way.



Sex and Relationship Education

During their time at primary school, children are taught about relationships through their PSHE curriculum work. Living, growing and reproduction are also taught discretely through science units as outlined in the National Curriculum. These are taught at an age-appropriate level and subject matter is discussed in a sensitive and factual manner.



Schemes used to support teaching and learning at Clarendon

To support the teaching and learning at Clarendon and to ensure all children are provided with access to a broad, balanced and high quality Curriculum, we use a range of schemes to help plan and deliver high quality learning experiences. Whilst these schemes form the basis of the teaching programmes we deliver, within each subject area, they are also adapted and supplemented with other teaching resources to ensure they are engaging, relevant and purposeful for the children we work with. Schemes used include:

  • Phonics –  FFT's 'Success For all' programme.
  • Spelling (year’s 2 to 6) – Read Write Inc Spelling

  • Maths – White Rose

  • Computing - NCCE

  • History - Key Stage History

  • Geography - Oddizzi

  • D & T - Projects On The Page

  • Art - Kapow

  • PE - Get Set 4 PE

  • Music - Charanga

  • R.E – Surrey agreed syllabus 2017-22

  • P.S.H.E – SCARF


Key contacts to use for questions about our school curriculum

If you have any questions about our school curriculum and what we offer, please contact the following people:

- English - Sarah Evans (English Subject Leader)

- Maths - Mrs Louise Watson (Maths Subject Leader)

- R.E - Miss Sarah Robinson (R.E Subject Leader)

- PSHE/RSE (Health and Relationships Education) - Mr William Neale (Headteacher)

- Initial point of contact for other subjects within the National Curriculum - Mrs Louise Stondzik (Deputy Headteacher)
