Doing our best to achieve our best
Our aim of including every child in every aspect of school life is at the heart of Clarendon’s school ethos. We strive to support our pupils to develop their skills and help them to become more independent, resilient learners by providing opportunities that offer a range of experiences, as they move along their individual learning journeys. Through dialogue with all staff working with the children, we identify those children who are finding it significantly challenging to meet objectives in line with their peer group. We endeavour to identify these children as early as possible, so that arrangements can be made for additional provision, as well as any necessary adjustments or adaptions.
We work in partnership with parents/carers, to identify their child’s additional needs. Information about assessments, outcomes and associated targets, and planned provision arrangements to meet these are also shared. A review of achievements and any barriers the child may be experiencing are also communicated to parents/carers regularly.
Information and an overview of our current SEND provision can be accessed using the following links: