
Clarendon Primary School, Nursery and Children's Centre

Doing our best to achieve our best

Opening and Closing Times and Attendance Information

Reception to Year 6

Morning registration take place at 8.40am Monday to Friday; however, children can go straight into their classes from 8.30am where they will be able to undertake 'early work' starter activities set by their class teacher. (This 'soft start' to the school day allows children to begin their day in a calm and focused manner.)


For children that come into school from 8.30am, this equates 33.75 hours in school each week. For children that come into school at 8.40am, this equates to 32.5 hours in school each week.


Breaktime for children in Reception forms part of their continuous provision arrangements, and for children in years 1 to 6 breaktime runs from 10.45 to 11.00am.


Lunchtime in school is slightly staggered with:

  • Children Reception having their lunch between 11.45am and 12.15pm, before returning to their outside classroom area to continue with child initiated learning / play.

  • Children in years 1 and 2 having their lunchbreak between 12 and 1pm.

  • Children in years 3 to 6 having their lunchbreak from 12.10-1pm.


The school day finishes at 3.10pm when all children can be collected from the main playground. (This provides a chance for parents / carers to liaise with their child’s class teacher if needed.)



Travelling to and from school independently

We prefer all children to be brought to school and collected by an adult. However, children in Year 5 and 6 are permitted to travel to and from school independently if written permission is given by their parents. If children do travel to and from school independently, they are permitted to have a mobile phone, which must be handed in to their class teacher at the start of the day and collected before going home.


As a school, wherever possible, we also encourage children to walk to and from school.




Registration will be carried out at 8.40am and at 1pm. Registers will be closed at 9.30am and 1.30pm respectively. If a pupil arrives after the start of registration, but before the registers have closed, they will be marked as ‘late before close of registration’ for that session. If a pupil arrives after the registers have closed they will be marked as 'late after the close of registration' which is statistically an absence for that session. (Please note, there are 2 sessions a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.)




Pupils are expected to attend school for the full 190 days of the academic year, unless there is a good reason for absence. 


In school there are two types of absence:

  • Authorised – where the school approves of the absence

  • Unauthorised – where the school will not approve the absence


All absences will be recorded as either authorised or unauthorised. If an explanation for an absence is not received or if the explanation is deemed unsatisfactory then that absence will be recorded as unauthorised and, in certain circumstances, may be subject to a fixed penalty notice. (Please note, absence cannot be authorised for reasons such as shopping, daytrips, holidays or birthdays).


Parents are advised to contact the school by 8.30am on the first day of any absence and should continue to update the school until their child has returned. This can be done by e-mail, phone or verbally in person at the school office. If the school is not contacted then the office will endeavour to contact parents by telephone as any unexplained absence cannot be legally authorised unless a valid reason has been provided.


Any request and subsequent absence due to exceptional circumstances must be shared with the headteacher in advance, via our online form, and in good time so any response can be discussed / shared. A link to this form can be found here:
